What are the main advantages of the Court’s arbitration?
Buscador de Miembros
  • Experience. Created in 1981, the Court is the Spanish arbitral institution with the longest record of activity in the administration of arbitration proceedings, both domestically and internationally.
  • Independence. The Court has an organic structure and an operating system that guarantee the independence of the Court itself and of the arbitrators it appoints.
  • Quality. The Court is made up of professionals who have recognised standing in the business, legal and arbitration worlds, who discharge their functions with the support of a General Secretariat that is qualified and experienced in arbitration management.
  • Specialisation. The Court’s arbitrator appointment system allows each dispute to be resolved by the most suitable arbitrator based on their skill, qualifications and experience.
  • Speed. The Court’s arbitration permits disputes to be resolved by means of procedures with an average duration of no more than nine months, which conclude with a final resolution.