Arbitrator Appointment Rules

Arbitrators will be appointed subject to the principle of freedom of choice. The parties are free to agree on the number of arbitrators, their required qualifications and the procedure for their appointment. In the absence of agreement between the parties, it will be for the Arbitrator Appointment Committee to determine the number of arbitrators and their appointment based on objective, transparent and inclusive criteria that ensure the arbitrators have the integrity, expertise and appropriate professional qualifications to rule on the matters in dispute. 

Acceptance of Appointment

All arbitrators must sign a document accepting their appointment, confirming their independence, impartiality and availability, and disclosing any circumstance that could give rise to reasonable doubts over their impartiality or independence. The document must adhere to the form proposed by the Spanish Court of Arbitration.

Indicative List of Arbitrators

The Spanish Court of Arbitration maintains an indicative list of arbitrators for the benefit of its users, offering information on the professionals that the Court in principle considers suitable to act as arbitrators. The list is for information purposes only and does not prevent persons who are not included on it from acting as arbitrators.