We believe that only a combined effort can make arbitration an indispensable tool to improve business competitiveness among legal and economic operators. As a result, the Spanish Court of Arbitration has established institutional alliances by signing agreements for the dissemination and promotion of arbitration with the following bodies and institutions:

  • Spanish General Council of Notaries
  • Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium-Size Enterprises
  • International Institute of Transport Mediation and Arbitration
  • Asociación Conviventia
  • Spanish General Council of Court Representatives
  • FIDE (Foundation for Research on Law and Business)
  • Spanish Banking Association
  • Fundación Notarial Signum
  • Senior Council of the Associations of Architects of Spain
  • Argentine Chamber of Commerce and Services
  • FEBE (Spanish Spirit Drinks Foundation)
  • Spanish General Council of the Judiciary
  • International Congress for the Study of Mediation and Conflict